Rules and Regulations


APPLICATION DEADLINE is May 9th, 2021 or when all spaces are filled. Once spaces in each category are filled, no more applications will be accepted in that category. 

CAREFULLY fill out the application & describe exactly what you will sell. Be very specific and include prices of all items. 

DO NOT send payment until you receive acceptance notification. Payment is due within 5 days of  acceptance or you may forfeit your space. 

In order to qualify for Artist/Crafter rate, all items displayed for sale must be the ORIGINAL DESIGN OF, AND HANDCRAFTED BY THE EXHIBITOR participating at the event. SoHa Arts Building reserves the right to reject any applicant prior to, or during the show, due to product and/or service misrepresentation. Exhibitors who display items not listed on their application & not approved by  the Jurying Committee, will be asked to remove the items from their display with possible dismissal from the show & forfeiture of any fees paid.  

JEWELRY: Only a limited number of jewelers will be admitted into the festival. If you wish to sell JEWELRY in addition to your main craft, you must check the box marked JEWELRY on the application. You will be judged with all of the other jewelers. 

The SoHa Arts Building reserves the right to reject any / all applications. Previous admission  into the festival DOES NOT GUARANTEE acceptance. 

EXHIBIT SPACE: If display rules are not followed,  you may be asked to leave. A single space is 10’ by 10’. 

• We display on E Park Ave and on the vacant land next to the SoHa Arts Building. Single exhibit spaces are large enough  to fit a 10’ X 10’ tent comfortably. If you setup beyond your 10’ space, you may be asked to leave.  

If using a tent, you must secure it stakes or with no less than 40lbs. of weight anchoring each pole. If you fail to comply you will be asked to take  your tent down.  

• Vendors are not permitted to setup outside the booth space or on the sidewalk. All items, equipment must be inside your tent/ booth space, including display racks, signage, dress forms,  generators, storage boxes or crates, etc. If you setup on the  sidewalk or outside your booth area, you may be subject to  a fine or asked to leave. If your display does not fit within the designated size purchased, you may need to purchase an  additional space.  

You must supply your own tables, tents, chairs, displays, etc. & are expected to have attractive, neat displays. Tables must be  draped with cloths with no visible boxes. All items for sale must be  neatly arranged & clearly marked with prices. IF YOUR DISPLAY IS  SLOPPY, you may be asked to leave & not admitted back.  

NO MUSIC, amplified or otherwise, loudspeaker for announcements  or live animals allowed. 

• NO WATER or ELECTRICITY will be provided. 


• If you will be bringing a generator,  

You Must Let Us Know in Advance. 

• Generators must be placed inside your tent 

• Only quiet generators will be permitted. If we receive complaints from other vendors, shop owners  or attendees to the festival regarding noise from  your generator, we reserve the right to ask you to  turn it off or leave the festival. 


• IF YOU WANT TO BE NEAR A FRIEND, please email with the request marked clearly on both applications. 

• WE TAKE CARE in placing craftspeople & artists in special sections, unless otherwise requested.

• ALL SPACES are preassigned. Location numbers are only given out the morning of the event, at the  registration tables from 8am to 9:30am 




PHOTOS are required by any applicant wishing to sell or give away anything. (NO EXCEPTIONS) 

NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT REQUIRED IMAGES, even if you have participated in one of our past events. 

Send 3 photos of your work or items you wish to sell; 1-2 of your exhibit setup from a previous event & 1 of your workspace showing YOU creating the items, and your business logo if you have one. Clear images are required and must be in PDF, png, jpg or jpeg format.


• CANCELLATIONS must be in writing, one month prior to the event. We accept your contract in good faith  and expect you to honor your commitment. Once your check has been cashed, only a credit towards a future  show will be given. NO REFUNDS will be issued.  

• Credits will not be issued to exhibitors who do not give the required notice. 


• When driving through the Festival area, please drive slowly & carefully, as there may be pedestrians walking  in the street.  

No vehicles will be permitted into the festival site after 10am. If you arrive late, you will need to park outside  the festival footprint and walk your items to your space.  

Vehicles must be removed from the Festival site by 10:00 a.m. 

We will try to provide all vendors ONE FREE PARKING SPACE, but CAN NOT guarantee it. If we are able  to provide free parking, you will receive ONLY ONE parking permit (no matter how many exhibit spaces are  


• You may sell up to 3 Major Food Items per space. You must list all items you intend to sell on the application. 

• Once accepted, ALL FOOD VENDORS will be mailed applications for Board of Health & Fire Dept. permitsThese departments will conduct inspections the morning of the festival. If you fail to obtain the proper permits, you will be asked to leave. If you have questions regarding  their requirements & expectations, you may call those Departments directly. Links Below: 

Camden County Health Dept. Permit

Haddon Township Fire Dept. Permit 

WHEN THE FESTIVAL IS OVER The festival is over at 5:00 p.m. but NO Vehicles will be permitted onto the festival site until 6:15pm.

• Before retrieving your vehicle, You MUST pack up and place everything (including your tent, tables, chairs, etc.), on the sidewalk directly adjacent to your exhibit space. When you get your vehicle, you can then park in your exhibit space for loading purposes. This will prevent excess cars on the avenue, which will help alleviate traffic problems. 

You will have approximately 1 hour to pack up your things before the start of the clean-up process. If you anticipate needing more time to pack-up, please let us know in advance. 

Clean your area thoroughly before leaving.  For general information 

• All leftover food stuffs, grease and charcoal MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES BY YOU. Do not deposit these items in local trash cans, sewers or along the curb.  Those failing to follow this rule, will not be permitted into future festivals and shall be subject to a summons by The SoHa Arts Building for violations of this agreement. 

IMPORTANT: Due to layout setting up your food trailer or truck may be extra challenging. Please notify  us on your application if you have a trailer or truck that is part of your booth display and its size.  

• All food vendors with large vehicles or trailers, should  arrive early to setup in order to prevent impossible park ing maneuvers later.  


Should an accident occur within the exhibitor’s exhibit  space or caused by the exhibitor’s display, or debris left by  the exhibitor, the exhibitor will be held liable. By applying  to the SoHa Pride Pop-up Festival, you agree to save  and hold harmless The SoHa Arts Building, the Haddon Township Equity Initiative, it’s management,  agents, employees & sponsors from any liability resulting  from such accident. All exhibitors must secure their tents & displays against the elements, - i.e. sand bags, wire, stakes if on grass etc., with no less than 40lbs. of weight anchoring each pole. 

The Festival will be held RAIN or SHINE. Please be sure to bring a canopy and / or other coverings, to protect your merchandise in case of inclement weather. By filling in this application, you accept that this is a rain or shine event. You also accept any liability due to possible changes in the weather. YOU AGREE that, should the weather become inclement (rain, snow, sleet, wind, etc.) at any time during the day, no RAIN DATE will be scheduled and no refunds issued. The SoHa Arts Building is not responsible for damages to your booth or merchandise due to inclement weather.

Applications WILL NOT be processed until complete. Early bird fee is given only if your application is submitted complete with required photos before the fee deadline. Submitting an incomplete application will delay processing, increase your fee rate & may jeopardize admittance into the festival. The SoHa Pride Pop-up Festival is a juried show and not a first come, first served event.  


  • All applicable areas have been completed. 

  • Type is legible: Use block lettering or machine type on your application. 

  • Signed. I have read all of the Rules & Regulations & have signed on the bottom of the virtual application form. 


The signed check or money order is made out to ‘Ruba Associates’, in the correct amount that I owe, with the correct  date & year.  Payments can also be made online. Link will be provided with acceptance email.

  • PHOTOS: Images must be clear. Blurry images will delay jury process. 

  • Enclose 3 clear close-ups, representative of items you would like to sell or give away.  

  • Enclose 2 photos showing how you plan to display the items you wish to sell.  

  • Logo

If you are applying in the Artist / Crafter Category 

  • Include 3 photos of you in your studio or workspace creating your work.  


1. These rules & regulations constitute an essential part of the contract for exhibit space.  The SoHa Art Building reserves the right to render all decisions & interpretations there  on & to establish further regulations as may be deemed necessary for the overall success  and well being of the Event. 

2. The exhibitor agrees to maintain their exhibit booth until the closing time of the event; to leave with all merchandise, boxes, debris,  etc. & to keep exhibit area clean at all times.  Failure to do so could prevent admission into future events sponsored by the SoHa Community Events and subject to summons & prosecution for violations.. 

3. Exhibitors wishing to insure goods must do so at their own expense. SoHa Community Events and Sponsors assumes no responsibility for, or guarantee  to the safety of the properties of the Exhibitor,  its agents and their employees from theft, damage from fire, accident or any other cause  whatsoever, and the exhibitor expressly  agrees to save and hold harmless the SoHa Arts Building/Ruba Associates, it’s management, agents, employees and sponsors from any and all liability resulting from injuries or damage to exhibitors,  their agents, employees and specifically to attendees while within the exhibitor’s exhibit  space or caused by the exhibitor’s display. 

4. Exhibitor shall be bound by all pertinent laws,  codes and regulations of municipal and other authorities having jurisdiction over said event,  and shall fulfill all municipal, state and federal requirements in connection with all sales.  

(You Must Have a Tax ID #) 

5. It is agreed that if the Exhibitor fails to comply in any respect with terms of this agreement,  The SoHa Arts Building, shall have the right,  without notice to the exhibitor, to occupy, sell  or offer for sale the exhibit space covered by  this contract without any rebate or allowance  whatsoever to the exhibitor. Said exhibitor shall  be liable for any deficiency, loss or damage  suffered by the Event by reasons herein stated,  and without in any way releasing said exhibitor  from any liability whatsoever. 

6. Exhibitor may display and sell ONLY what he/ she has listed on this contract, & that which was agreed upon by the SoHa Arts Building. The SoHa Arts Building reserves the right to decline, prohibit or  remove any exhibit which is deemed out of keeping  with the character of the event, this reservation being all inclusive as to things, products, printed  materials, conduct, smoke, noise, etc. 

7. Exhibitors may not assign their contract for exhibit  space or permit any other person to use part of  such space. 

8. The SoHa Arts Building will not be liable for the fulfillment of this contract as to the delivery of said exhibit space, if nondelivery is due to any of the for lowing causes: insurrections, local or regional civil  disturbances, strikes, fire, acts of God (inclement  weather), or for any cause beyond their control. The SoHa Arts Building, in the event of its not being able to hold the event for any of the above reasons, will not reimburse exhibitors. 

9. Raffles or similar activities that are NOT free to participants are NOT permitted unless they are approved by the The SoHa Arts Building. Proper permits are required.